Join us in Ponca City on May 18.
This is not your average round of golf. This will be a fun golf tournament with plenty of laughs. The course will feature an activity/challenge on all of the par 3 & 4 holes; par 5 holes will play as normal.
2 Person Teams. Scramble format. $70 per person / $120 team
Includes cart, lunch, and 2 beverages
Some of the activities & challenges include:
Ready 4 Launch- Tee off using a sling shot instead of driver.
What a Racket - Tee off by tossing ball in the air and hitting with a tennis racket.
Random Draw - Draw to see what club you will use for the entire hole.
Cue Ball - Must putt using putter like a pool cue.
Tee Ball - Tee off using a batting tee & baseball bat.
Dizzy Drive - Close your eyes and spin 3x before teeing off.